Hey Friend, thanks for stopping by! One of my joys and purpose in life is to help you spiritually succeed and that’s why I’m here.
My simple message is this — the key to happiness isn’t anything in this world. It’s having a personal relationship with Jesus.
Maybe you are wondering…who am I? I am a child of the King, wife to a wonderful husband, stay at home homeschool mom with 2 children. I’m a minimalist at heart and try to keep my life as easy as possible. I love to read, learn the latest tech, and help others to spread the Word.
The key to life’s success can be right in front of us — we just don’t see it sometimes. The Bible verses in the Word of God are so powerful and will free you from guilt, worry, anxiety, stress, or whatever it is you struggling with in life. I’m on a journey to help you succeed in life with just a bible verse a day.
Here’s my first secret to share with you — find an encouraging Bible verse that is applicable to your situation right now and write it on a sticky note with double tape. Put it in a place where you find yourself the most. Maybe it’s on the fridge or in the bathroom’s mirror, it doesn’t matter. You know the perfect place. My perfect place is on my laptop. It does so many wonderful things for my daily life just reading my bible verse sticky note. Every time I look at it, I smile inside and out because it reminds me that I don’t have to dwell on that nasty thought. Or, those discouraging words, “You’re not good enough!” I hear in my own head.
Would you like a whole new outlook on life? Are you tired of waking up every day stressed, worried, or living in fear? Come on a journey with me as we go one bible verse at a time.
So, tell me about you! How can I help you? What are you struggling with? Contact me at natalie@bibleversesforyou.com as we begin game-changing steps to become the woman God wants us to be. You have a spiritual gift, let’s go find it!
Because, as you know, it’s not about me. It’s about Him. Let’s find that perfect life bible verse that will get you through each and every new day. Are you ready to be happy? You will find happiness in the Lord, my friend. Trust me. I used to be a worrier like you are now. I’m here ready to help you succeed.