
Bible Study Notebook: Biblical Thinking


If you struggle with any variety of emotions throughout the day such as fears, anxiety, worry, and anger, it’s time to transform your mind into biblical thinking. It takes hard work on your part initially, but once you develop the habit, it’s amazingly freeing and you can start enjoying a peaceful life. Do you want joy, happiness, and contentment? Let me show you the biblical way how to develop simple routines to begin a game-changing process.

Our 16-page Biblical Thinking Guide is a new way of thinking…get away from worldly thoughts and emotions, instead, let the Lord guide you into the best years of your life. Here’s what’s included in this huge value of spiritual products:

  • Intro Page – Why transforming your thinking is key to spiritual success and a summary of Biblical Thinking Notebook.
  • Instructions – Step-by-step instructions on how to implement the Biblical Thinking System.
  • Worry & Fear Worksheets – Common thoughts and useful Bible Verses for anxiety, fears, or worries
  • Bible Verse Chart – Includes key scripture on how to change to Biblical thinking with meditation & memorization
  • Goal Planning – Plan a weekly goal to help jump start your new life-changing spiritual habits
  • Thoughts Inventory – Progressing through the day, take inventory of negative thoughts for future transformation
  • Bible Resources – Write important Bible resources that keep you focused on your spiritual goals
  • Prayer Time – Prayers are essential during this time of reflection and renewal of the mind.
  • Prayer List – Write specific prayers and give it to the Lord to help combat negative thinking
  • Bible Verse Index Cards (2 pages) – Cut out 6 Anxiety Bible Verses to help memorization of scripture.
  • ย Bible Verse Bookmarks – Helpful Bible verses are included in bookmarks for handy and encouraging Bible verses.
  • Bible Verse Copywork – Another crucial tool to permanently keep verses in your heart for a lifetime.