Bible Verses about Patience

Bible Verses about Patience

Here are 12 Bible Verses you can read and meditate upon every month of the year. The scriptures tell us to meditate on His precious Word daily, and memorizing these verses if you struggle with patience, will be life-changing and gain you more spiritual success.  If you’re struggling with patience whether it’s a relationship, yourself,…

22 Forgiveness Bible Verses for Spiritual Healing

22 Forgiveness Bible Verses for Spiritual Healing

Did you ever think about how many times we’ve been hurt and/or offended by someone? Whether it’s a childhood neighbor, parent, sibling, friend, or even a spouse, we will get lied to, abused, or used at some point in our life.  Most likely, many times we don’t tell friends or family that they offended us….

20 Meaningful Bible Verses about Life

20 Meaningful Bible Verses about Life

You’ve probably heard the expression “What is the meaning of Life?”. Well, if you’re a Christian, the meaning of life takes on a totally different tone. Life goes on forever after our time on earth is gone. Whereas non-believers have a different perspective. Let’s dive into these wonderful Bible Verses about Life and how we…