Transform Your Life for Your Sanity

Romans 12:2 – And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

A few years ago, my one-worded new year theme was ‘transform’. Simplicity has always been my goal with anything in life, so one word was plenty for me! Having simple yearly themes had worked for me in the past, but these 365 days were going to be different. My theme was spiritual this time, not business or personal related as in years past. I was ready for my transformation steps.

And, boy, did He transform me that year!

But, that’s for another time….

In previous years, my themes were words like declutter, organize, etc…you get the picture. It was all about material possessions, but never my spiritual condition.

I had forgotten what was most important. However, it was time for a change, it was time for a transformation.

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Transform by definition is a change completely, in form, appearance or in structure.

Here’s the problem — I couldn’t do it. I didn’t know where to start. It was always impossible for me to transform myself. I had tried many times and failed miserably. However, when I gave it to God, He transformed me into someone more confident, bold, and content. Am I always this way? Nope. I get sidetracked very easily, but I eventually remember God’s plan for me.

In order to be spirit-led, I have to be willing to be selfless and die to self. That’s why they call it ‘will’. We all have one and a lot of times, we say no, don’t we? I ‘will’ not. I ‘will’ do it later. This time, however, we should want to transform and say ‘I will’.

If you want to know how to be transformed by God, you need to prepare, starting with a physical routine and quiet environment. He will show you how but you need a consistently quiet place to talk to Him.

Is it time for you to find your own space and make it your place? A place with just you and the Lord? It’s wonderful because once you go to your special, spiritual surroundings, your mind goes right to the Lord. A habit will form and will become you and the Lord’s time.

My place with the Lord used to be the closet until we needed the space to store things recently. We were in the process of moving to another state at the time. Now, it’s by the fireplace in a comfortable chair where I go early in the morning before the day begins. I’ve been doing this for over a year now and I look forward to it. It’s certainly the most peaceful time of the day.

My mind shifts right to Him because it’s a daily habit I’ve established and it’s just me and the LORD. It took a LONG time to get there because my mind tends to wander and I get distracted very easily.

Call to Action:

So, your assignment for this week is to find a place that’s quiet and only you and the Lord know about it. Do you have a corner in the closet you can put a pillow for kneeling or a chair for sitting?

If you don’t have room for a special place, make one. Declutter the closet, get rid of that physical stuff you don’t need, and make room for the Lord. He is waiting for you. He wants a relationship with you. Yes, YOU!

You are His child. Isn’t that amazing that you can talk to the Almighty God? I am in awe that He wants to talk to little old me. I can’t talk to the President of the United States. Yet, my Father is waiting for me and wants a relationship. Wow, that’s powerful.

What are you waiting for?!!! Go get your space with the Lord!

Reflective Thoughts:

What household area has the least amount of traffic?

Where can I go that’s quiet but easy to access?

What time is the best where no one will distract me during my meditation with Him?


Dear Lord, please help me find a special time every day to speak to you. While I am not worthy, you want a relationship with me! You are worthy to be praised, my Father!

Prayer is the spontaneous response of the believing heart to God. Those truly transformed by Jesus Christ find themselves lost in wonder and joy of communion with Him. Prayer is as natural for the Christian as breathing.

John MacArthur

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