Best Gratitude Journal for the Thanksgiving Season
Would you love this Thanksgiving season to be joyful and stress-free? If so, would you like to have a more thankful attitude? Feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and not feeling grateful? Or, maybe you don’t think there’s much to be grateful for? If life just seems like a hot mess, stay tuned, my friend, because I developed something JUST FOR YOU! I know what you are going through, it’s a difficult road. However, the way to happiness and joy is to have a spirit of gratitude, and I’ll tell you why and what you can do about it. Having a Gratitude Journal with Prompts will get your spirit lifted immediately.

Do you want to be more Grateful?
Do you ever wake up feeling miserable and then the day just drags on with more bad news? If you are struggling with being joyful during the day, I have great news. All you need is to be grateful for what you have — it’s a game-changer. It brings light to your life and having an encouraging Bible Resource like a Gratitude Journal will help you get started.
Why be more grateful?
First of all, why be more grateful? Maybe you are wondering how this helps my life when all seems hopeless?!! The Bible tells us we are to be thankful 71 times in the New Testament alone! Why? Well, it should be enough that God commands us, but He does tell us why we should be more grateful in the Bible.
- It pleases God to hear our Thanksgiving.
- It reflects our love toward Him.
- We glorify His name, honoring the Lord.
What Happens When We are Thankful
As you can see, we are here on this earth to glorify God, but there are HUGE benefits for us too. While we know God’s commandments are always good for us, we sometimes need a reminder that there are a ton of blessings for us too!
- We are showered with blessings from God because we are honoring God.
- Humbleness is revealed as we are saying our life is better because of HIm.
- Peace and contentment are overflowing in our lives as we see the cup full, not empty.
- Thankfulness increases our trust in God, giving us more focus on what’s important.
- It helps us to overcome anger, anxiety, fear, and multiple negative emotions.
Short Thankful Bible Verses
Need a quick pick me up to get in a grateful spirit? Here are the perfect short bible verses for thankfulness you can memorize quickly and sing or say throughout the day:
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 16 Rejoice evermore. 17 Pray without ceasing. 18 In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
My Thankful Story
I am reminded of a time of gratitude and love during a difficult season I endured a few years ago. It was a painful one when my husband endured several challenges that I was unaware of and when I found out, it caused a lot of stress in our lives. Instead of trusting that God would take care of it, I took it upon myself to scold him and give him unwanted advice.
Yet, I learned the hard way through Biblical counseling that I needed to be in a spirit of gratitude, not in a Debbie Downer mode. While my flesh would have called this period in our lives, “Painful Woes”, I began to gain insight that trials are “Bountiful Blessings”!
Looking back on those years, because of our trial, we are now living in “Bountiful Blessings!” We have since moved to a part of the country I prayed fervently about for years! I wanted to be close to my family and God gave me the desires of my heart. I just had to let Jesus take the reigns, but, my negative and ungrateful spirit was fighting constantly.
A State of Gratitude is Biblical
Have a convinced you yet that being in a state of gratitude is biblical? If so, let’s get to some awesome Biblical resources in our tool kit to use for our new attitude of gratitude.
First, the best resource is of course the Bible. Nothing can replace the precious Word. Some complementary resource you may consider is a Gratitude Journal with Prompts.
What is a Gratitude Journal with Prompts?
A Gratitude Journal with Prompts is simply a set of questions that encourage you to think about what you truly have in this life. I certainly need one as I tend to get down quickly. I am more on the emotional side, and I have to be careful with my feelings as they tend to overwhelm my thoughts.
What do you write in a Gratitude Journal?
As you write answers to these thought-provoking questions, it’s also good to write your own struggles and then let the Lord take care of them. Once you put your worries, fears, and anxieties down on that piece of paper, ask God to take them for you and that should be the end of your negative thoughts like the “what ifs” or “but…” language!
What is the best Gratitude Journal?
While there are plenty of Gratitude Journals out there, many of them are not based on the Bible. In other words, the best gratitude journal is biblically based. How do you determine what is the best gratitude journal? You’ll want to look for a Christian-based notebook that is filled with scripture and encouragement to focus on God with prayer, praise, and thankfulness for His blessings. Anything else, you’ll want to avoid as it’s not biblical-based journaling.
What are some good journal prompts?
If you are wondering what are some good gratitude journal prompts for Christians, here’s a simple list of some great provocative prompts you can use to begin your journey of gratefulness. There is a major theme to most of these, it’s focusing on what God has done in your life so you are not saturated with discouragement and disgust with your life.
Gratitude Journal Prompts List
- What was the best part of your day so far?
- Who mostly encourages you in your life?
- What made you smile the last time that you can recall?
- How has God blessed you today?
- Did you have a roof over your head today as you slept?
- As you woke up today, what inspired you the most to get up?
- What is one thing you are glad God amazed you with?
- What photo makes you laugh every time you see it?
- Have you learned something recently that surprised you?
- What talent has God given you?
Consider an Attitude of Gratitude
Now that I’ve hopefully convinced to be more intentional about gratefulness, let’s concentrate this season on developing an “attitude of gratitude”. With the coronavirus or Covid19, I realize many have lost their jobs, homes, and many freedoms as well. However, the goal is to change our negative thinking habits into positive ones by being grateful for what we have, despite our circumstances.
Have you read someone’s story or a book and think, wow, my life is not so bad! It kind of works the same way. Your flesh or mind is constantly telling you lies about yourself and your situation. Satan wants you get down on yourself or your situation.
Why? Because you are not as effective and purposeful in your life. You become focused on the wrong things instead of the right ones. You’ve got to fight back! It’s a mindset you’ll need to work on throughout the day until it becomes a habit impossible to break with the Lord’s help.
Negative Emotions are the Enemy
Don’t let the spirit of negative emotions such as envy, discontentment, bitterness, anger or resentment keep you from a joyful, happy life. Instead, follow these godly principles:
- Give everything to God and pray without ceasing.
- Find godly counselors you can trust who lead by example.
- Search for Biblical Resources that are based on the Bible and encourage you in your walk with the Lord.
- Draw closer to the Lord by talking to Him about your problems.
A Grateful Spirit
Remember this — one of the three ways to know you are dwelling in the Holy Spirit is Gratitude. Ephesians 5:20 states “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Whatever situation you are in, even if the flesh is telling you it’s hopeless, give thanks to God anyway for His blessings.
As Thanksgiving approaches, if you are finding yourself in a slump or depression, start with these simple steps laid out — answer the Gratitude prompts and you’ll discover it’s a great exercise of the mind to become thankful. In addition to this spirit of gratitude, listen to hymn and spiritual songs that praise the Lord. Serve others in love and kindness also does wonders in uplifting our soul and spirit. Peace be with you, my friend.
Gratitude Journal with 30+ Prompts
If you are looking for an easy and affordable way to be more grateful, check out our Gratitude Journal with Prompts. Here’s what you’ll find in this awesome, life changing, Gratitude Notebook with a ton of Biblical Resources on getting you closer to God in just a few steps!
Ready for a change to make the Thanksgiving season more special this year? It’s time to get thankful with a ton of Gratitude. Our Gratitude Journal with Prompts includes over 30 Questions to encourage the grateful spirit in you. Do you need more energy in your day? It will encourage, inspire, and remind you of how wonderful life is with the right perspective and attitude.
Gratitude Notebook Contents
Thankful Bible Verses Art Work – Beautiful Artwork in color to frame or add to the fridge as a wonderful reminder of your blessings. 2 Gorgeous artworks are available.
At a Glance Monthly Calendar – The month of November is a busy time for women and having a monthly glance of your weeks helps keep you organized.
Thanksgiving Week – Break down your daily tasks during an exciting time of the season.
30+ Grateful Prompts – You’ll love these invoking, encouraging, and compelling questions to help you stay on track with gratitude and thankfulness during the Thanksgiving Season.
Thanksgiving Gift Tags – Personalize a gift or table setting with these pretty gift tags.
Printable Thanksgiving Card – Print as many cards as you need to say Thank you to your loved ones. Cardstock is recommended.
Printable Christmas Card – Bonus Christmas Cards to get an early start on writing your Christmas message in a personalized way. Cardstock is recommended.
Thankfulness Challenge – Grateful Bible Verses and a 4-Step Challenge on how you can be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Take Away Challenges – Write down 4 things you have learned this week on how you can have an attitude of gratitude.
Thanksgiving Prep– Write your daily tasks to prepare for the most wonderful and thankful season.
Turkey Grocery List – Time to prepare for Thanksgiving Dinner with our Grocery List!
Thanksgiving Prep Plan – The week of Thanksgiving is super busy — take advantage of planning a special week with our daily prep plan.
Thankful Tips for Kids – For those who have kids, print this awesome tip guide to help your kids understand how to have a better attitude in 3 ways.
Saving to Bless – Encourage your child to save for those in need. Help your child things of ways and people who they can give back or bless someone during this special season.
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