How to Start Reading the Bible

Whether you are a new Christian or a mature Christian, Bible reading must be a huge part of your daily routine. Otherwise, we can’t expect much positive change in our lives with relationships, whether it’s Jesus, spouse, family and friends. The more we get to know Him, the more we love each other. If you truly want transformation in your life, it’s time to learn how to start reading the bible more intentionally.

First, we’re going to discuss why it’s essential to develop a daily routine of reading the greatest and most comprehensive book in the world. Let’s dive deep so your new routine is seamless as you begin the best chapter in your life, and it starts today.

WOndering how to start reading the Bible? Check out my quick and best tips that has transformed my life!

Why Reading the Bible Daily is Essential

There are several reasons why reading the bible daily is key to a successful life. Here’s a nice short list to help you decide if it’s also important for you too. Seriously, I could go on and on for a very long time but I think these key points will convince you.

  • Reading the bible will ensure you understand God and help you put on your shield of faith. If we don’t read the Bible daily, our faith will weaken. If our faith weakens, we will not be a good teacher or example to our kids, neighbors, spouses etc.
  • Studying the Bible will help you witness to others, the main goal for us as Christians, according to Jesus. Our purpose in life as Christians is to spread the gospel as it states in Matthew. Have you heard of the Romans Road to Salvation? It’s a great way to spread the gospel, especially for new Christians or those who haven’t started spreading the gospel yet.
  • As the Bible states, the Truth will set you free. As human beings, we are always looking on how to be free. Where do you get the Truth? The Holy Bible is the only Truth and inerrant word of God.
  • The Holy Bible teaches us the truth, including what God expects from us. We also learn how to worship Him, how to make important decisions, how to deal with struggles, etc. It’s the Ultimate and Most Comprehensive Guide for Life Handbook or as I call it, “How to Be Happy” Handbook!
  • Most importantly, developing a personal, intimate, relationship with God is how we have spiritual success. The closer we get to God, the more Christ-like we become.

Hopefully, I’ve convinced you that reading the Bible is more important than feeding our faces. The Bible is the Bread of our spiritual hunger. It’s the water that quenches our thirst. Jesus is the True Living Water!

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How to Start Reading the Bible Daily

Now, that we’ve established the WHY we must read the bible, let’s examine and dissect the HOW we dive deep into the scriptures. A major element to beginning our daily walk with the Lord is establishing a consistent routine. It’s an essential plan for a long term bible study.

Here are some quick tips on how to start reading the bible daily:

  • Find a quiet place with limited distractions to study the scriptures
  • Establish the same time daily to encourage frequency in your schedule.
  • Determine a trigger that reminds you each day to read your bible. (ie brushing your teeth, grabbing a cup of coffee etc)
  • Keep your bible and bible tools next to your quiet place

These bible study tips will ensure that your routine is consistent and long-lasting. My “prayer room” is in front of the fireplace and I go there before starting the day to read my bible, take notes in my spiritual journal, and pray to the Lord.

How Do I Read the Bible and Understand it?

Wondering how to read the Bible for the first time? As a beginner, to read the bible and understand it, many would suggest a commentary while reading your assigned passages. I have used a Bible Commentary by David Sorenson for years to help me understand more difficult bible scriptures. If David Sorenson’s commentary is not in the budget, you might want to try getting a KJV Study Bible or consider the following Bible Resources for deep bible understanding.

I know what you are thinking — the King James Version (KJV) is the hardest version to understand as it was translated in English over 400 years ago. However, the KJV is an accurate translation. The more contemporary versions have missing verses and were translated based on interpreted context, not word for word like the King James Version. That’s why I recommend getting a thorough, detailed commentary to help you understand the best Bible version — the KJV. This is my opinion and if you want to use another version, that is certainly up to you. I’m just telling you from my research years ago and what opinion is, I want to be totally transparent.

How do you start reading the Bible as a beginner? Try my best tips on how to read using the KJV version.

Bible Tools for Reading the Bible

Here is a great list of biblical tools that will help you on your spiritual journey. While some may be hard on the budget, our money should be wisely spent on the things of God. Yet, if you cannot afford most of these incredible bible resources, consider at least a good study Bible in the KJV version.

Is it Better to Read the Bible in Chronological Order?

While you certainly can read the bible in chronological order, if you are more of a beginner or new at reading the bible, I would take a different approach. I follow a different path that Pastor Dr. Terry Coomer suggested in his booklet titled How to Have Daily Time with God. Start with the New Testament and the books of Psalms and Proverbs. Then, alternate between the New Testament and Old Testament, respectively.

What does that look like? Here is a list below of the sequential order of bible books. Daily, read 2 to 3 chapters a day. When you start a new book, don’t skip the introduction of the bible book, instead, read the introduction thoroughly. It will help you understand the author’s intent and the history of the period.

Where to Start Reading the Bible

Here is where to start reading the Bible, and it’s not chronologically, even though I’ve read the Bible in sequential order when I was a new Christian. I would suggest starting with the First book of John. 1 John reveals to us how to have fellowship with God. We must build a relationship with God. As you begin your first month, you want to read the 5 chapters of 1 John over and over again for 30 days. Then, after you are finished, follow this order.

Wondering if you should read the bible chronologically? You may be surprised to hear the answer!

Bible Reading Plan for Beginners

  1. 1 John
  2. John
  3. James
  4. Ephesians
  5. Philippians
  6. Colossians
  7. Galatians
  8. Psalms
  9. Proverbs
  10. Acts
  11. Luke
  12. Romans
  13. Matthew
  14. Mark
  15. 1 Corinthians
  16. 2 Corinthians
  17. 1 Thessalonians
  18. 2 Thessalonians
  19. 1 Timothy
  20. 2 Timothy
  21. Titus
  22. Philemon
  23. Hebrews
  24. James
  25. 1 Peter
  26. 2 Peter
  27. 2 John
  28. 3 John
  29. Jude
  30. Revelation
  31. Proverbs
  32. 1 John
  33. Psalms
  34. Mark
  35. Job
  36. Galatians
  37. Ecclesiastes
  38. Ephesians
  39. Song of Solomon
  40. Philippians
  41. Genesis
  42. Colossians
  43. Exodus
  44. 1 Thessalonians
  45. Leviticus
  46. 2 Thessalonians
  47. Numbers
  48. 1 Timothy
  49. Deuteronomy
  50. 2 Timothy
  51. Joshua
  52. Titus
  53. Judges
  54. Philemon
  55. Ruth
  56. Hebrews
  57. 1 Samuel
  58. James
  59. 2 Samuel
  60. 1 Peter
  61. 1 Kings
  62. 2 Peter
  63. 2 Kings
  64. 1 John
  65. 1 Chronicles
  66. 2 John
  67. 2 Chronicles
  68. 3 John
  69. Ezra
  70. Jude
  71. Nehemiah
  72. Revelation
  73. Esther
  74. Matthew
  75. Job
  76. Mark
  77. Psalms
  78. Luke
  79. Proverbs
  80. John
  81. Ecclesiastes
  82. Acts
  83. Song of Solomon
  84. Romans
  85. Isaiah
  86. 1 Corinthians
  87. Jeremiah
  88. 2 Corinthians
  89. Lamentations
  90. Galatians
  91. Ezekiel
  92. Ephesians
  93. Daniel
  94. Philippians
  95. Hosea
  96. Colossians
  97. Joel
  98. 1 Thessalonians
  99. Amos
  100. 2 Thessalonians
  101. Obadiah
  102. 1 Timothy
  103. Jonah
  104. 2 Timothy
  105. Micah
  106. Titus
  107. Nahum
  108. Philemon
  109. Habakkuk
  110. Hebrews
  111. Zephaniah
  112. James
  113. Haggai
  114. 1 Peter
  115. Zechariah
  116. 2 Peters
  117. Malachi
  118. Start over again!

Ready to commit to an 18 month Bible Study Plan that’s perfect for beginners and seasoned Christians? Read about 15 minutes a day(3 to 4 chapters a day) and you’ll finish the entire Bible in 18 months (New Testament twice) starting with the most relevant books of scripture. Download the How to Start Reading the Bible PDF File and start today!

Studying the bible and having a journal is an important part of the bible reading process. Here's how to start reading the bible the right way.

How to Start Reading the Bible

Here are 5 easy steps on how to start reading the Bible. As mentioned above, once you begin each new book of the Holy Bible, study the introduction. It will help you identify where the author is coming from and his audience. Reread each bible book at least twice through before moving onto the next book. On a daily basis, read at least 2 to 3 chapters at a time. Write in your spiritual journal as the Lord speaks to you through his bible verses.

Keep in mind that reading the book of Proverbs will give you a lot of wisdom you’ll need during uncertain times throughout your life. A suggestion would be to begin with one Proverbs chapter a day before you begin. For example, if it’s March 1st, read Chapter 1 of Proverbs.

Remember, as you read each verse carefully, have a spiritual journal and a pen beside you and write copious notes. Write a general outline and note the topics of each chapter like “The Wedding at Cana” or “Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray”. You’ll be thankful to have these notes when referring back to them in the years ahead. Plus, write down any struggles you are facing as you’ll also appreciate these in the future when you realize God had a plan for these crises and issues we go through.

How do I Start Reading the Bible Daily?

Now that we’ve established how to start reading the bible, let’s dissect the question, how do I start reading the bible daily? What does it look like each day as I sit down to read? Here are some quick tips to get started:

  1. Go to your prayer room or study area at the same time each day.
  2. Pull out your bible, spiritual notebook or journal, and pen. Always keep it in close proximity to your study area to avoid wasting time trying to find it. I have a separate bible for separate occasions. I have a study Bible for daily devotions and a Bible for church. You can keep your Church Bible in the car so you don’t forget it.
  3. Begin with reading a chapter in Proverbs based on the day of the month. Then, begin with the book of John following the bible study guidelines above.
  4. As you read each chapter carefully, take notes on your discoveries, and review any commentaries to study in more detail and help you understand the text. Write a title for each chapter, seeking the main subject(s).

    For example, in your Bible notebook or journal, it may look like this:

    Gospel of John
    Ch. 1 Jesus Christ, the Word of God
    Jesus was the eternal Word of God 1 – 9
    Jesus came into the world 10 – 18
    John witness that Christ is to come 19 – 28
    John says that Jesus in the Lamb of God 29 – 37
    Jesus calls his first disciples 38 – 51

  5. Reread each chapter carefully and note any additional messages, verse by verse. Another example is using John 3:16. Write in your notes “The greatest verse in the Bible” along with
    dissecting each word “God” – the greatest God, “so loved” the greatest devotion and love, etc.
Keep a journal handy at all times when you begin reading the Bible as it's key to keeping notes and remembering important parts of the Bible that apply to your life!

Bible Resources Online

Podcast Ladies Bible Studies and Video Resources

In addition to reading and writing God’s Word, use even more of your senses with audio and video bible resources. If you are saturating yourself with sermons, studies, and bible verses on a daily basis, you will transform your life into more of a Christ like character.

I highly recommend listening to Bible Study Podcasts. You can listen to Podcasts while cleaning, driving, walking, or running. It’s a great way to keep the negative thoughts out of your mind, and instead, fill your mind with the Word of God! My favorite Ladies Bible Study Podcast is Caldwell Commentaries. Katherine Caldwell, author of “The Caldwell Commentary” series (now at 24 books), is an absolutely amazing teacher, writer, and founder of The Living Word Ministries for over 35 years. One of the reasons I moved from the North to the South is to attend her Ladies Bible Study. I couldn’t believe how much information and knowledge I was missing in my personal Bible studies. Her commentaries have been used by multitudes of pastors, Sunday School teachers, Bible study teachers, individuals, and prison ministries.

You will find Katherine’s Caldwell Commentaries podcast via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, OverCast, iHeart, and many more. Please also go check her out at her website Caldwell Commentaries as she has many Biblical Resources, plus, you can go directly to the podcast from there as well.

Another incredible bible resource visual tool this time is Adrian Rogers’ Love Worth Finding on YouTube. As I find more Bible video resources, I will update this post.

Kindle Bible Study Resources

I absolutely love technology, I’m a bit of a geek when it comes to digitalized information, and one of my favorite bible tools is a Kindle White. Earlier, I mentioned David Sorenson’s Commentaries, he’s one of my favorite Bible Commentary resources! I have learned a TON from him, he’s an incredible writer and expositor. Well, guess how I read them?!!! I read these digital file commentaries on my Kindle White! I’ve also read in my Kindle App on my iPad as well.

If you have one and not sure how to get digital files on your Kindle that are not Kindle type books, let me share with you my secret. I don’t think many people know this so pay attention if you love reading. If you have any PDF file, you can get it on your Kindle! A PDF file is a format created by Adobe Reader and many digital files are created using this format. It also works on an iPad! All you need is to do is download the Kindle App onto your iPad.

How to add a PDF file on your Kindle for Reading

It’s really easy to send a PDF or digital file to your Kindle. Here are simple instructions:

  1. Go to the device (preferably a computer) and find the PDF file. If you don’t know where it is, do a quick search on the left hand bottom corner if you have a Windows computer.
  2. Then, go find your Kindle’s email address. There are 2 ways to find your Kindle’s email, on your device or online. On your device, go to your account on your Kindle White by turning on your Kindle, click on Settings, All Settings, and then Your Account. Scroll to the bottom and you’ll see “SEnd to Kindle Email” area. Write down the email address of your Kindle, and then send the PDF file to that address. It’s that easy!
  3. As an alternative, you can also go to, sign into your account, go to Devices under Manage Your Content and Devices, Click on the appropriate Device, and you’ll find your Kindle’s email address.
  4. Refresh your device, if you can’t find the refresh button (it’s a circular arrow), turn on and off your device, sign into your WIFI if needed, and viola, it should show up in your Kindle Library!

If you are ready to try it, click on the purple button below for the How to Start Reading the Bible PDF you can download and send to your Kindle or iPad!

Wow, that’s it, my friends! I hope this article was helpful to you. My goal in life is to serve others and I’m always looking for ways to do that, whether it’s sharing the gospel, teaching the latest tech, or ministering to someone, I’m happy to help! Write me if you have any questions, I look forward to hearing from you!

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