Spiritual Disciplines in 10 Simple Solutions
Are you struggling in your spiritual life or seem too busy to spend time with God? Maybe your prayers start off well but then you fall asleep before finishing? Do you find yourself stressed out about the time it takes to read God’s word every day? My friend, this may be your spiritual dry season. It’s time to get motivated and hydrated with the right spiritual disciplines.
We all must take care of ourselves spiritually. Spiritual discipline for the Christian life isn’t easy. I get it — having too many distractions and struggles with spiritual motivation is very common. It’s hard to find the energy for spiritual disciplines when we’re so busy with work, family, and other responsibilities. In this post, we’re going to talk about the different ways to practice spiritual disciplines without feeling overwhelmed and under motivated.
What is Spiritual Discipline?
The word “discipline” sounds like something we would want to avoid, right?!! The definition of discipline is “training that corrects or improves.” The definition of spiritual discipline is the intentional act of developing habits and practices that are all designed to encourage Godly characteristics.
What is spirituality? Spiritual practices are the act of disciplining oneself in order to grow spiritually. This includes self-denial and obedience to God’s commands. It is important that we recognize our need for God’s help. In addition, discipline can be used as a weapon against Satan. He wants nothing more than to keep us from achieving the fullness of Christ Jesus.
Why Do We Need Spiritual Disciplines?
While it’s easy to think of punishments as discipline, we should really focus on the word ‘training’. You are training for a spiritual marathon. And remember, discipline is not only for our children, it’s for adults too. Spiritual control is essentially a way for Christians to draw grow closer to God. Let’s discuss many spiritual disciplines recorded in the Bible that you can incorporate into your day. All of our souls need nourishment so we can be a valuable instrument for the body of Christ.
Christianity is a faith that requires discipline to live out. In order to be truly disciplined, one must have the right motivation. The Bible tells us that our motivation should not be self-seeking or prideful. Instead, it’s should be righteous and service-based (1 Cor 10:24). Christians are called to love others with the same love Christ showed us on the cross. When engaging with spiritual disciplines in the Bible, it should always be done with an attitude of humility and grace.
What the Bible Says about Spiritual Discipline
The Bible tells us that God disciplines those he loves (Hebrew 12:6). We are disciplined when we make mistakes and need correction in order to learn from them. One way we’re disciplined is through pain and sorrow. Paul says this kind of suffering produces perseverance which leads to character development and hope (Romans 5:3-4). Jesus also reminds us that his disciples must take up their cross and follow him. When you are going through a trial or temptation, see it as an opportunity for spiritual growth. Instead, think of it as an honor from God. He wants to develop your character traits into the spiritual armor of God.
List of Spiritual Disciplines
Having spiritual character attributes will ultimately improve your relationship with God. There are many ways to develop key routines with that focus in mind. Some examples of spiritual practices are praying, reading scripture, or simply spending time in solitude listening for His voice. If you want to grow closer to Him, follow this Spiritual Disciplines List carefully and intentionally. I guarantee it will deepen your relationship with Christ based on the Bible.
Our list of spiritual practices is simple yet life-changing and impactful if you follow it routinely. The goal of daily spiritual practices is to develop lifelong habits that feed your spiritual growth. If you look forward to reading the Bible and praying, you are at the next spiritual level of growth.
- Scripture Reading – It’s critical for Christians to read the Bible daily as a top-key spiritual discipline. I highly recommend having a Bible Reading Plan to keep you focused and hold you accountable. Depending upon your spiritual goals, there are Bible Reading Trackers for one year, 18 months, and even 2 years. Many scripture reading plans are out there to help you stay focused and motivated to keep reading. Make sure to have Bible commentaries available and close to guide you in understanding more difficult scripture.
2. Prayer Time – Devoting spiritual discipline prayer time each day during quiet moments is key to developing a relationship with God. Using the ACTS Method, focusing on praise and gratitude will jump-start your daily prayers.
3. Gratitude – Express gratitude openly and internally every morning as you wake up for current and future blessings. Write daily in your journal noting all of the spiritual blessings you are thankful for.
4. Fasting – Dedicate a day or several hours to not eating and instead, devour the Word and pray incessantly. Then, each time you feel the hunger pains, get into the Word and pray for God’s guidance. Fasting is perfect for times when you need direction on a specific spiritual problem you are facing.
5. Meditation – Find time each day to meditate on certain Bible Verses or passages that help you with weaknesses and struggles. Meditating on scripture passages helps us stay focused on His Word, relaxing our body, soul, and mind.
6. Praising – Giving God glory through music and verbally throughout the day in your thoughts and in your prayers. It’s clear in the Bible that when we are in the Spirit, we should praise God with Psalms and Hymns.
Ephesians 5:18-20 – And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; 19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; 20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; 21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
7. Scripture Memorization – Memorize scripture daily as a way of connecting with God’s word. Knowing scripture fluently combats many issues we face in life. Jesus used the Word of God to defeat Satan during his 40 days of temptation. We should mimic Jesus’ example too. When the kids are acting up, remind them of key Bible Verses. If you are struggling with your tongue, memorize a Bible Verse reminding you of your tongue. Then, when you are tempted to speak evil, it will trigger the right Biblical thoughts.
Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
8. Bible Journaling– Jotting down prayers, thoughts, and communication from the Lord is an important part of spiritual discipline and wisdom. Write in a spiritual journal all the blessings you’ve received from God. In addition, note your thoughts, prayers, and what He is communicating to you through prayer and His Word. Part of my 15-Minute Reading Plan includes a journal with thought-provoking questions to keep you focused on the right priorities.
9. Devotional Reading – Find solid, deep-thinking types of devotionals that motivate and challenge you to act in a Biblical way. I always enjoy Love Worth Finding devotionals from Adrian Rogers. In addition, I am loving the last couple of devotionals I ordered ‘More Than Anything’ and ‘Amen: Eden to Eternity’ from Daily Grace Co!
10. Biblical Thinking – Keep your mind clean and focused on God at all times with positive thinking. Unfortunately, Negative thoughts tend to creep up easily and the Battle of the Mind can be won using Phillipians 4:8,9.
We discussed several key elements for spiritual growth including how to strengthen our spiritual disciplines. Plus, what are spiritual practices we can implement today. Developing game-changing godly habits will forever set the course as Christian women to a personal, intimate relationship with God.